View Full Version : CMI "Sping Jam" Sunday Apr. 11th Sacramento Raceway *PLEASE READ*

04-08-2010, 03:03 PM
Hey guys just a couple things i wanted to share:

1 - I have contacted Tony 1 of the organizers and he said that due to the ?able weather for Sun that they will be making a decision on Sat so please be aware that the event may be cancelled or even postponed ( i pray it won't be but it's calling for a 40-60% chance of rain shower later in the evening)

2 - If the race goes on i also asked that if there is a good enough turn-out of AWD cars that hopefully we can arrange to have our very own specific AWD class.

That would mean no racing Hondas or RWD cars more likely going to be 1st& 2nd gen DSM / Evo's / Audi's sorry if i forgot anyone else but you get the idea.

I would imagine it would require at least 8 cars to make a field to race so if you do plan on coming out please be sure to stop by and look for me or the FFTEC guys first thing in the morning so that we can show our presence and tally up all potential racers before qualifying happens and things get going.

Also get ready to be there early gates open at 9am and racing usually at 10am sharp to make sure the event finishes on time!

PLEASE PRAY FOR DRY WEATHER (first time in the last 6 months that i'm actually hoping for NO rain http://evoempire.org/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif )

Hope to see you all there http://evoempire.org/public/style_emoticons/default/drinks.gif


04-09-2010, 09:32 AM
Yeah i hope it doesnt rain.. And i hope i dont get pulled over on the way to sac. Lol. See u guya there!

04-09-2010, 10:24 AM
Just a heads up i'm waiting for final word from Tony about it but i've come to the realization that it's probably not worth the risk and time to get a trailer and spend the cash to head up if things are ?able.

With that i believe the FFTEC guys and their cutomers will either wait until the next race or we will head up to Sac for some testing on Sat (tomorrow)

If not we will be working on things at the shop and will technically be closed (putting down beers and bbq)!

04-10-2010, 10:19 AM
i'll be racing today! see you there pat..

04-12-2010, 10:21 AM
Did you end up going to TNT? How was it?

Anyway for those still interested in the CMI event it has been re-scheduled to the weekend of the 25th but unfortunately i have plans to go camping that weekend so i won't be attending :(

04-12-2010, 06:03 PM
honestly it was a great turn out! tony let the old muscles cars run for from 12:45 to 2:45 and made us wait! other than that best i pulled off was a 12.0@117, i was on my way to my first 11 sec pass when the my 4th gear locked out and ended up running a 12.2!

04-13-2010, 11:38 AM
honestly it was a great turn out! tony let the old muscles cars run for from 12:45 to 2:45 and made us wait! other than that best i pulled off was a 12.0@117, i was on my way to my first 11 sec pass when the my 4th gear locked out and ended up running a 12.2!

WTF is up with that!

I sure hope he then extended the TNT until 6pm..........if not i'd be pretty un-happy paying the full $50 to watch the domestic guys make runs especially if i got there early to prep my car etc and was then asked to wait :protest:

04-13-2010, 05:37 PM
he extended it till 5pm..! while i was waiting my car also got hit by a rock and cracked my windshield..few rocks hit anthony's evo but nothing happen to his!

04-14-2010, 11:47 AM
he extended it till 5pm..! while i was waiting my car also got hit by a rock and cracked my windshield..few rocks hit anthony's evo but nothing happen to his!

Yup that's the price you pay for being up close to the front of the staging lanes w/ big tire cars doing burnouts......LOL!

04-14-2010, 05:20 PM
he extended it till 5pm..! while i was waiting my car also got hit by a rock and cracked my windshield..few rocks hit anthony's evo but nothing happen to his!

ouch! :cheesy: